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It’s pretty standard nowadays that, even on our hols, we Brits are very dependent on staying connected with our nearest and dearest, as well as staying up to date with our social networks. No longer is the only form of contact a ‘wish you were here’ style postcard, which would arrive in the UK a week after you, but instead we like to keep connected through our smartphone, tablet or laptop.

You could be on a short business trip with just your work laptop, keeping the children occupied with the iPad for a little while, reading your favourite novel on a kindle or even relying on your laptop to keep on top of your favourite TV show. Whatever your situation, TopDog’s specialist Gadget Cover add on will allow you to insure up to five gadgets per policy for an additional premium.

Our Gadget Cover will cover you for all the unfortunate events we hope won’t happen but can never be sure of. This includes cover against theft, accidental damage, and malicious damage. So, for a small additional premium, it’s certainly something worth considering!

What Is Included with TopDog’s Gadget Cover? 

  • Accidental Loss – accidentally left your iPod at the beach club? No worries, we will cover you for the cost of a replacement.
  • Accidental Damage – annoyed at yourself that your smartphone’s got water damage? Don’t be, we will cover you for the repair or replacement, as long as the damage was accidental of course.
  • Theft – been a victim of theft while on holiday and now have no camera or phone? Then TopDog will cover the cost of a replacement, as long as you fit the criteria for claiming for a stolen item. See the policy wording for more details.
  • Malicious Damage – we hope this doesn’t affect you on your holiday but if it does, we will cover your gadget if has been damaged by the malicious actions of someone else.

Key Aspects Of Gadget Cover You Need To Know About: 

  • You will not be covered if you have bought any of your gadgets second hand (from a private seller).
  • To make a claim you must have proof of purchase for the product or be able to provide evidence of ownership, such as a receipt.
  • You can only make a gadget related claim if your product was purchased in the UK.
  • If your gadget is stolen you can only make a claim if you have a valid crime reference number from the local police.

What Do Our Travel Insurance Policies Cover? 

Our range of Top Dog Travel Insurance policies will also cover as standard:

  • Cover available for up to five gadgets per policy (if Gadget Cover is selected at the time of buying your TopDog policy)
  • 24/7 emergency medical helpline
  • Cover for over 100 sports and activities
  • Up to £10million in cover available for emergency medical treatment
  • Up to £2,000 cover per policy for gadgets
  • TopDog considers all pre-existing medical conditions
  • To view the different cover levels that are available with our range of policies please click here to visit the cover levels table

Why Choose TopDog Insurance?

24/7 Emergency Helpline

100+Activities Covered FREE

Up to
£10m Medical Cover Per Person

Up to
£7,500 Cancellation Cover Per Person

Frequently Asked Questions